This is just a summary of what I thought of the module as whole; to report what I have learned throught the module. I believe that this module has improved many of my skills in digital media and how to communicate them effectively. I have learned about different ways of presenting your ideas and work in engaging and exciting waysby usign a range of digital media from video editting to simple presentations. In powerpoint in particular i have learned the best ways to showcase my work and many different techniques in displaying the work using links etc.
I have developed team work skills and therefore groupd communication whilst taking part in several group tasks. I have also learned how to be critical in other people's work as well as my own, which is important for the improvements of everyones work. No body can make their work perfect but can improve their work with input from peers. I have learned skills in creating blogs, creatuing films, photoshop etc. I have also learned how to generate ideas, analyse my designs and notice mistakes in them and eventually improve them. The peer assesment was a great way for me to understand my strengths and weaknesses. I recognised that creating a blog was a very good idea because it allowed me to reflect on my work and allow others to view my work to give me constructive criticism. However I also realised that I could improve my work.
If I had done this module again, I think i may have chosen a more varied approach to my work. A large majority of my work is completely digital and I therefore have no physical (paper based) which means I did not give myself oportunity to improve hand drawn work/communication and have nothing to collect in a portfolio (except printed digital work). I think I would have made a sketchbook, collecting research in it and initial drawing prior to didgital work because in all of the assignments given I jumped straight onto a computer to start the task. Sometimes it is better to begin with hand drawn ideas followed by digital work to show prgression and development. This might have been a good idea for the Babycham assignment. But in general I have enjoyed these tasks set and will use the knowledge I have gained in the future. I am pleased with my progress in this module and have acknowledged what I have improved upon in myself and what needs improvement.