As part of the assignment, we had to make a gorup presentation showcasing the 'new image' for our product of choice. We decided to do the presentaiton on Microsoft Powerpoint and began by assignning each individual slide of the presentation to a member of the group. I was assigned to slides 5,11,12 and 13 which was about the research in general and my part of the assignment (the internet advert).
I think the presentation went quite well, the information was clear and precise and everyone understood the concept behind our work. Everyone in my group knew what they were doing and the presentation ran smoothly. We gave handouts of our work includign a bottle of Babycham with the new proposed logo which people were impressed with. A few people said they liked my internet advert too, they liked the animation and the overall colour of it. However there were comments on how the light on the text was too overpowering and the slogan didn't even need to be implemented. In generall I think this presentation and assignment went quite well and we worked well as a group.