Tuesday 1 November 2011

Quick Photoshop Idea

After viewing adverts on the Internet for Babycham, I decided to start a few rough ideas digitally. I then compared them to old adverts by Babycham:

An old Babycham advert
This is an old advert they made. It captures the general idea of Babycham, a light hearted Perry. The colours used definitely reflect this description. However, something about it just doesn't suit today's audience or market. Things need to look 'cool' in today's market. The mascot of Babycham has always been this deer type creature, but today it looks too childish for any sort of age group to be drinking (bearing in mind the age group that are legally aloud to drink it won't really be pleased to see a cartoon deer on their bottle).

My contemporary version of the above advew
In my first attempt at advertising this product, I did some research on which audience it would generally be aimed at. My results were usually young female adults. This led me use vivid pink/purple colours. Girls are known to like these colours and these colours fit in with the party scene where Babycham is usually consumed.

Secondly I have made the mascot (deer) less of a main focus of the drink and made it look a bit more sophisticated/classy (not some cheap perry which the top advert seemed to portray).

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